Was it Lailatul Qadr last night? Everything seems still this morning, the weather quite overcast.
Well, except for some birds, which excited my cats, and caused some of them to do this:
Or have they been training with Spiderman?? Or are they inspired by the loofah gourd reaching up to the sky? |
Following up from last week's post, here are how some of my plants are doing this week.
Turkish leopard melon, the smaller plant, is flowering profusely. Well, kind of profuse for such a small plant. |
The Turkish leopard melon plant that appeared in an earlier post. It spread almost to 1 metre length, then showed signs of cucumber mosaic virus (crinkly new shoots with yellow spots) Tukang Kebun of Kebun Bahagia Bersama helped diagnosed this for me, arigatou. It broke my heart to have to chop off the diseased parts, but I guess it had to be done. |
Clemson spineless okra, seed obtained from Kebun Bahagia Bersama. I sowed this about a week ago, and they now look almost ready to transplant. I am thinking perhaps share space with corn. |
Green zebra tomato plants, with some lettuce in the same pot. They are soaked from last night's rainfall. |
I think these are the Austrian heirloom lettuce, called forlenschluss. Red speckles. |
I think these are yellow pear cherry tomatoes, but the colour hasn't showed up yet. |
the cats tu duduk dlm sarang ker? ramai nyer...pongkey apa maksud nyer if u dont mind..hehehe
:-) my cats duduk dalam enclosure, dalam tu ada rumput, tempat memanjat, kawasan berlari-lari. Sebab saya sebenarnya allergik sikit dengan kucing, so tak boleh simpan dalam rumah lama-lama. Tapi tak sanggup lepaskan kucing begitu aje, takut sakit, kena langgar atau mengganggu jiran lain. Maka inilah penyelesaiannya.
Pongkey tu corruption of 'Pongcat', the name of our eldest cat, which is my profile pic here. "Pong" sebab masa tu enclosure tak ada lagi, dan kucing saya dilepaskan keluar. Pongkey ni pulak suka pergi bermain dengan kucing jalanan lain, dan balik ke rumah dalam keadaan busuk, macam beruk. (Ini prejudis terhadap beruk, kerana beruk yang saya tengok samada busuk sebab kandang kurungannya di zoo tidak dicuci atau beruk busuk hati sebab mencuri makanan dan air saya, hehe). Masa tu kami suka main cardgame Magic the Gathering, ada card bernama "Pongify" di mana kita boleh destroy target creature lawan and replace with a Battle Ape (ni main macam kad Pokemon ni). Pongidae pula dalam taksonomi haiwan merujuk kepada Famili cimpanzi, gorilla, etc. Maka nama kucing ini Pongkey. Itulah kisahnya, panjang lebar pula saya berhikayat. Terima kasih kerana sabar membacanya. :-)
Haha tertekan publish banyak kali pula.. ingatkan browser hang tadi.
wah..panjangnya citer..thanks mama..respectlah kat u wpun allergy kucing tp minat kucing..my son tak blh tgk tgk kucing mulalah call meoww..meoww..ayah dia pula tak suka kucing dtg dekat - kotorkatanya..maknyer..best ngan kucing..heheh
Mmmm...looks more like Tomato " Sweet Red Cherry"?
Hopefully the melon plant will bounce back.
I must've mixed up the sowing pots? Oh dearie me.
Yes, I hope so too. The smaller melon is in a blooming frenzy.
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